environmental medicine
Have you experienced chronic fatigue, skin afflictions, hair loss, difficulty losing weight, trouble breathing, but can’t seem to figure out the cause? Do you wonder how your lifestyle and natural environmental factors may be impacting you in ways you have not anticipated? your environments impact your health, + certain genetics +lifestyles may be more susceptible to toxic impacts than others. Environmental medicine allows for the effective testing + understanding about your personal levels of metals, chemicals, mold, + more. We offer an array of services to identify + remove the toxic exposures that burden you. Book a consult to determine the best plan for you!
Chelation Therapy
Chelation therapy is the removal of heavy metals + their damaging effects from the body using common agents, like EDTA, DMPS, + DMSA via IV therapy, rectal, or oral intake.
Common sources of heavy metals can come from your home, work, air, tap water, fillings in your teeth, eating farm-raised fish or sushi, consuming foods or supplements that have been produced in foreign countries, or from radiation or chemotherapy.
Common heavy metals found in the human body are: arsenic, copper, iron, mercury, lead, calcium, and aluminum.
Common Detox Protocols
Start with an initial consultation, a Heavy Metal Urine Test kit, + IV EDTA and/or DMSA capsules.
IV Treatment Plan: 5 rounds of weekly chelation therapy treatments, alternating with weekly high dose vitamin/mineral replenishment IVs. Additional nutritional support + depuration techniques are always advised.
Oral Chelation Plan: DMSA is taken two days on + then five days off. This is done for 10 week sessions, often for up to 12 months. The urine test is repeated on the first day of taking DMSA on every tenth week.
Common Clearance Results by Round:
20% of patients are cleared by tenth round
60% of patients are cleared by fifteen rounds
20% of patients take twenty or more rounds
(“Round” is typically 14 days for IV therapy or 1 week for Oral Chelation)
Combining EDTA, DMPS and DMSA have given very rapid cleansing results.
CheZone & Plaquex
CheZone Therapy is the combination of Chelation + Ozone IV Therapy to optimally breakdown arterial calcified plaque. Using an intravenous solution of EDTA, vitamins, minerals, + Ozone gas, is a highly effective treatment for angina, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, + preventing heart attacks + strokes.
CheZone therapy was developed by Dr. Shallenberger to enhance EDTA’s chelating effects by activating more oxygen to reach the cells. You can learn a lot about chelation therapy at www.acam.org.
Plaquex is a Phosphotidyl Choline formula that is often used as an effective stand-alone treatment to dissolve soft + hard plaque or in-addition to CheZone Therapy. It was originally developed to dissolve fatty deposits during + after trauma surgery. It is also used to treat psoriasis, leaky gut, liver, + kidney disease. Common Protocol requires a minimum amount of 20 infusions. Severe problems may need up to 50 or more infusions. Treatments are often done every other day, 2-3x weekly at most, + then once monthly for maintenance. To learn more, visit Plaquex.