Weight gain results from complex relationships between the body’s systems + the environment, no single eating program or weight loss method can work for everyone. Dr. Varela takes a multifaceted, scientific approach to weight management. After examining carefully all of the potential underlying issues that can influence a person’s weight, Dr. Varela then develops an individually tailored approach that corrects the imbalances that lead to weight gain. With or without prescription support, the goal is long-term wellness, incorporating healthy eating and exercise plans.
Common Prescriptions
Semaglutide Weight Loss Program
$700/mo includes:3 Month Supply of Sublingual Semaglutide
Monthly In-Person or Virtual Consultation
Monthly Slim Cocktail Injection
Comprehensive Lab Panel
Educational & Support Content
Personalized Nutrition & Lifestyle Plan
Recommendations for Supportive Supplements
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced during pregnancy, is a popular weight loss aid for both men and women. Administered via injections or sublingual drops, it is accompanied by a very restrictive diet (500–800 calories per day, no fat, no sugar, ultra-low carbohydrate), which can be a real challenge for some people. That said, proponents—including thousands of successful dieters—claim hCG helps reduce hunger pangs, mobilizes stubborn fatty deposits, and prevents the breakdown of muscle for energy. Ultimately, hCG diet works well and is a good fit for some, but not for others. If you want to try it, Dr. Varela is an experienced physician to administer the treatment and monitor your health and progress.
Cost for 23 Day Supply $800
Cost for 40 Day Supply $1099
Includes Monthly In-Person or Virtual Consultation
Monthly Slim Cocktail Injection
Comprehensive Lab Panel
Educational & Support Content
Personalized Nutrition & Lifestyle Plan
Recommendations for Supportive Supplements
One of the hallmarks of getting older is a decline in hormone levels. Production of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, DHEA, melatonin, human growth hormone, + other hormones taper off after we reach our 20s + 30s. + many experts agree that age-related hormonal deficiencies contribute to the signs + symptoms of aging. That’s why natural bioidentical hormones—which are identical to those produced in the human body—are a cornerstone therapy of Dr. Toni Varela, NMD.
In addition to their anti-aging effects, targeted hormones are excellent therapies for a number of health concerns. For example, low thyroid is a very common but often-overlooked underlying cause of fatigue, dry skin, constipation, depression, + more. Treatment with natural thyroid improves symptoms + enhances overall health—to a far greater degree than Synthroid + other synthetic drugs. Testosterone replacement reduces men’s risk of diabetes + enhances failing heart function. Further, women do significantly better on safe, natural, bioidentical estrogen + progesterone than horse hormones + synthetic progestins.
During your initial consultation, which usually lasts one hour, Dr. Varela may test blood, urinary, +/or salivary hormones, + if appropriate, recommend natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Follow-up consultations last about 30 minutes.
These consultations include a health evaluation, reviewing your lab results + symptoms, + creating or maintaining a customizable treatment plan to help you reach or maintain optimal health.
Typically, after one to two months from your initial consultation, a follow-up consultation is required to continue the customized treatment plan created at the time of your initial appointment. Thereafter, Follow-ups are anywhere from every three (3) to six (6) months, depending on your body’s needs. A brief follow-up consultation is typically sufficient, unless you have complex issues requiring a re-evaluation of your treatment plan.
Your bio-identical hormone therapy is a separate cost from your initial or follow-up consultations.
Dr. Varela will discuss the options with you at your appointment time. Prescription creams, capsules, or injections are obtained directly from the compounding pharmacy. Your prescription cost depends on what you require, + payments are made directly to the pharmacy once your medications are available. We obtain our hormones from compounding pharmacies, which hand-make individualized prescriptions. This degree of personalization, which we pride ourselves on, affords every patient a hormone regimen that is just right for her or him. Homeopathic Hormone preparations + Peptide Therapy are also available. To test your hormonal balance, take our quiz:
• Stress Hormone Imbalances
• Food Allergies + Sensitivities
• Female Hormone Imbalances
• Male Hormone Imbalances
• Pregnenolone imbalance
• Insulin Resistance
• Thyroid Hormone Dysfunction
• Nutritional Factors
• Chronic Inflammation
• Gastrointestinal Imbalances
• Toxicity (Immune, Neurological, Endocrine)
• Neurotransmitter Dysfunction
• AutoImmune Disease