Prolotherapy, Prolozone, Biopuncture + Neural Therapy involve the injection of specialized sterile nutritional, botanical, and/or homeopathic remedies superficially, muscularly, + in joint spaces. All of which can be used to effectively treat a number of conditions from herniated disk pain, muscle spasms, joint stiffness, arthritis, sports injuries, +can be used to help with lymphatic drainage of toxins from the body and improve the immune system to prevent colds and the flu.
Prolozone is Prolotherapy with Ozone therapy - a nonsurgical, regenerative injection therapy that’s often used for all forms of musculo-skeletal + joint pain, including: degenerative + arthritic knees, shoulder, elbow, + hip pain. Since Prolozone corrects the pathology of the disorder with the use of dextrose, nutrients, + homeopathics, like TRAUMEEL, it has been found to be 75% effective in providing chronic pain sufferers permanent pain-free results. Results: Varies from person to person, but most people only need 3-5 treatments done once weekly. LEARN MORE
Ozone Injections
Ozone therapy is the use of electrified oxygen (O3) to increase the amount of oxygen in the body via IV, insufflation, or injection as Prolozone. Autohemotherapy is the most common, + in most cases the most effective way ozone is administered. 60ml of blood is drawn + then injected into an Ozonated saline IV bag. The bag is gently shaken, allowing the red + white blood cells to take up the ozone. The ozonated blood is then returned to the body. The entire procedure takes about 30-40 minutes. These techniques offer local +/or systemic aid in the treatment of herpes, cancer, AIDS, +multiple sclerosis, among others. LEARN MORE
Trigger Point Therapy
A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. A trigger point in the back, for example, may produce referral pain to the neck. The neck, now acting as a satellite trigger point, may then cause pain in the head. The pain may be sharp and intense or a dull ache. Results: On average, pain relief for 30 days. The severity of the injury or condition can affect how long the treatment lasts as well as the lifestyle assumed post treatment.
Biopuncture is an injection therapy, like acupuncture, but with biologically active substances which are physiologically regulating. Commonly used substances, include: Traumeel®, Lymphomyosot®, Spascupreel® + Zeel®, to reduce pain, swelling, arthritis, or muscle spasms.